We Follow the World’s Best Learning Approach?

Have you ever wondered about how a child learns to speak? It is a super effective approach and has been in practice for over thousands of years (human started speaking about 20,000 years ago)!

Children start learning to speak approximately from the age of one year and are able to speak clearly by the age of four. This is a truly remarkable feat! Its main characteristics are –

  1. Small Steps: Child learns in very small bits
  2. Interactive Practice: Child learns in multiple modes by listening + watching in action + simultaneously trying
  3. Monitoring + Feedback: Child’s speaking is regularly monitored, and he gets instant feedback and positive reinforcements

Researchers have termed such learning processes as cognitive learning methods. This is globally recognized as one of the most successful learning approaches. Cognitive learning approach is at the heart of all our courses at Jupiter Education. See below its comparison with normal classroom learning –

Jupiter Education’s Cognitive Learning ApproachOther Courses
Every topic is broken down to tiny, easy to understand concepts. Students learn faster.Lengthy 40–60-minute classes, leads to boredom, exhaustion, problem in remembering what was taught.
Interactive quizzes immediately after every small part of a topic to improve comprehension and memory retention.Very little interaction, child gets no opportunity to immediately practice what he has learned
Our instant results allow students to identify areas where they need to focus. This immediate feedback is crucial for self-correction and a deeper understanding of the material.Instant results are not given, time delay between an exercise and its result causes a slow and less effective learning process.
Students have control over the pace of learning.Whether a student is a slow learner, or a fast one, classroom learning moves at a fixed pace.
Students can repeat their online lessons as many times as they wish, can anytime go back if a topic is not clear.One topic is taught only once, if you missed it, you lost it.
Can ask as many doubts as they wish, no time constraints. No fear of what other students will think.Very few students raise any queries in the classroom, and most are hesitant to ask teachers, even if they have problems. Time is also a constraint; teachers do not have enough time for individual attention.
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